Stand Up for Yourself with a Sexual Harassment Attorney in Springfield, MA

by | Jun 26, 2015 | Lawyers

Men and women both face unwanted sexual advances in the workplace every day. When it happens, many people feel helpless. Generally, these jokes, comments, advances, catcalls, and other intrusions on personal privacy and respect are shrugged off or ignored. However, when it happens, there are legal boundaries that are being crossed. Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace is not necessary, and those that are doing it are breaking the law. When it does happen, victims should get in touch with a trusted sexual harrassment attorney in Springfield, MA.

Lawyers that are skilled in sexual harassment cases are more likely to understand the problem and reach a favorable solution. Sexual harassment can come in many forms. Some people in authoritative positions may request sexual favors in order to secure or protect a job. Other forms include asking for sex in order to get a raise or promotion. Employees will give in to these demands for fear of losing their employment. In other cases, staff will refuse and then deal with the consequence. Whatever has happened in any case, it should still be brought to the attention of a lawyer and then a court of law.

Many lawyers will listen to these types of cases for free. They will give honest opinions on the story and a reasonable expectation for the outcome. If they decide to take on the case, they will do the work at no cost. Then, after the victim is awarded compensation for the terrible situation they have had to deal with, their attorney will request a portion of that reward. An attorney qualified to deal with sexual harassment cases has the ability to get the victim something for the unfortunate situation that they have had to deal with. Among the types of compensation for a harassment case, a plaintiff could get lost wages or back pay, compensation for future damages, payment for dealing with emotional distress, punitive damages, and the money repaid for the costs accumulated for having to retain and pay for a lawyer and other legal fees.

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