Air Conditioning Contractors In Aledo TX Can Help You Maintain Your HVAC

by | Jun 26, 2013 | Air Conditioning

One of the simplest ways to keep your HVAC system working in its optimum condition is to change the air filters in the home. Typically you will have one or two air vents on every floor and changing these filters are the key to keeping the lungs of the home healthy. Call Air Conditioning Contractors Aledo TX to give you a thorough examination of your unit to see what else you can do to keep your equipment working efficiently.

The heating ventilating and air conditioning system in the house keeps the home at a comfortable temperature all year long and it depends on healthy lungs to work efficiently. The newer HVAC systems and thermostats have an indicator light which tells when it is time to replace the air filters. These indicator lights however, are only on a scheduled alarm and do not tell when the filter is dirty enough to reduce efficiency.

There are tricks to remember when to change your filter. Changing the batteries in the fire detector whenever you experience daylight savings time is a similar trick for smoke detectors. Tricks such as changing your filter whenever the season changes is one. After a significant home renovation, cleaning of air or furnace ducts, or when you noticed the pull from the air is louder and the filter looks clogged. These are easy reminders to keeping up on the maintenance of your HVAC.

There are standards in which you can judge whether or not you have a filter that is adequate for your system. The ASHRAE or American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, have put together a MERV rating to determine which filter you have. A MERV rating is a minimum efficiency reporting value that scores filters on a number from one to 11.

A MERV rating for an air filter that has a six means that it can filter between 35% and 50% capturing efficiency. A rating of eight means 70% to 85% efficiency and an 11 rating gives an 85% to 95% efficiency capturing ability for the filter. Air Conditioning Contractors Aledo TX can tell you these ratings are based on a resistance to flow, amount of dust they will hold and lastly, the ability to remove particles from the air.

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