What Kinds of Questions Can a Pharmacist in Ledyard CT Answer?

by | Feb 19, 2015 | Health

Not everyone is aware that a Pharmacist in Ledyard CT does more than simply fill prescriptions. This type of professional is capable of providing helpful information on many health-related matters. Here are some examples to keep in mind. Learning About Potential Drug InteractionsOne of the more important things that the pharmacist in Ledyard CT will do is be on the lookout for potentially harmful interactions between medications. This includes a review of the types of medications the patient is already taking when something new is added to the mix. If there is the potential for some sort of harmful reaction, the pharmacist can alert the patient, who can then consult with the primary care physician. Interactions with Over the Counter ProductsA patient can also ask the pharmacist about possible interactions between prescription medications and over the counter products. For example, the pharmacist can ensure the patient understands that taking certain types of products for headaches will not mix well with prescription medicine that thins the blood. In like manner, the pharmacist may warn someone taking an antidepressant against also taking some sort of herbal remedy containing products that are intended to lift the mood.

Suggestions for Health EquipmentSince many pharmacies sell various types of supplies for home care, the pharmacist can often help a patient identify what he or she needs in terms of health related equipment. This includes comparing the benefits of canes versus walkers, or recommending a seat or other padding that will make a wheelchair more comfortable. Time to See a Doctor?While a pharmacist is happy to recommend over the counter products to deal with minor ailments, there are times when the symptoms mentioned by the patient indicate something more serious is taking place. In those instances, the pharmacist will often recommend that the patient see a doctor as soon as possible. The goal is to help the patient find out if there is a serious condition developing, and to receive the right level of medical care as a means of overcoming the issue. Remember that it never hurts to ask a pharmacist. Doing so will be the first step in dealing with a problem and ultimately enjoying a higher quality of health.

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