Many people place concrete down in a back yard to make a patio area. This area is often placed on the ground level with any Decks or overhangs off to the sides so the patio is out in a sunny area to be enjoyed. To make a concrete patio floor a bit more decorative, stamping the concrete can be done by a company that specializes in patio design in Suffolk County NY. This procedure will give the patio a look like no other as the stamps can be varied in the directions they are placed, making each project one that is unique as a result.
First, the contractors would lay the concrete slab by digging out the plot of land, filling it with gravel, and placing a form around the perimeter. The concrete would be poured directly from a concrete truck and the workers would use brushes and smoothing devices to make sure the slab sets evenly on the ground.
The stamping would need to be placed into the flooring before the concrete hardens. The pattern would need to be selected by the homeowner in advance so the proper stamps are available for use. The workers would line up the stamping molds before they get to the job site so the pattern can be placed without incident. The Patio Design in Suffolk County NY would be formed by having workers press stampers into the concrete so they leave imprints behind. One or two rows of stampers are placed and then removed after they start to harden. The workers would set stampers down a few rows at a time until the remaining concrete is all imprinted in the same manner.
When the stamps are all removed and the entire concrete slab is imprinted, the concrete will need to cure. Afterwards, the concrete can be painted to give it even more character. Many people enjoy using concrete paint to spruce up the flooring of a concrete patio. The finished project would be a textured flooring with a burst of coloring. This is a wonderful way to give a patio a look like no other. Click here for more information.