Tips for Taking Better iPhone Pictures

by | Feb 26, 2016 | Computer

DSLR cameras take wonderful pictures, but are quite cumbersome to bring with you everywhere you go. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take quality pictures with you iPhone? You already keep it on your person, some more than others, and they are easier to navigate for spur of the moment shots. Here are some quick tips to use to capture those wonderful moments using just your iPhone camera.

Keep It Simple

Sometimes we feel as if we need to capture all of the activity surrounding us. Having a busy picture tends to distract the viewer from what you are trying to depict. Pick one or two subjects to focus on that will draw the eye at first glance. This will create a bit of negative space in the shot, but that will only enhance the subject further. It will also be easier for those viewing the picture on their phones.

Shoot From a Low Perspective

We are inclined to take pictures from chest height on adults because that is our normal point of view. Get low on the ground and you will make the picture more interesting. Shadows will be cast differently, or you might take a shot through tall grass to add something fun to the foreground.

Arrange Your Subjects Diagonally

Having a large subject, like a mountain side, can fill up the frame, taking all of our attention. However, pushing it to the upper right and having something smaller, like a rock, on the bottom left, will balance it out and generate a more harmonious look.

Take Silhouette Photos

Taking a picture of someone walking on the beach is okay, but try adding emphasis to the subject with a silhouette. To accomplish this, the subject needs to have the light source behind them and hiding most of it. If you don’t block the light, in this case, the sun, it will produce a white out area in the photo you may not want to include.

Taking photos without using a fancy DSLR camera does not mean the photos have to turn out mediocre. By reducing the number of subjects, shooting from a lower perspective, arranging your subjects diagonally from each other, and adding silhouettes will greatly enhance the quality of your photos that will definitely garner compliments. Because your photos cannot be recreated, we need to have them stored somewhere they cannot be lost. There are companies that provide an online backup in Toronto and other areas if you need assistance.

If you need help getting an online backup in Toronto, visit MyBlueUmbrella at

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