Buying an Industrial Touch Screen Monitor – Knowing the Basics

by | Nov 12, 2015 | Business

Touch screen monitors are now used in a variety of different industries. They are most often seen in corporate offices and luxury buildings. However, touch screen interfaces are now becoming more and more popular. They are widely used in a number of industrial applications as well. Configuring machines and large-scale printers is not easy. Previously, all of this had to be done by hand. This took a lot of time, because industrial workers had to spend a considerable amount of time getting the dimensions and metrics right.

However, with the help of an industrial touch screen monitor in place, all of this becomes very easy. The touch screen monitor is connected to a powerful computer, which includes a variety of different presets. This way, you can get a large-scale industrial machine working in a manner of seconds. Most people have this misconception that a standard touch screen monitor can be used in industrial applications. That’s not true at all.

Generally, touch screen monitors are not designed to withstand the demanding conditions of factories. They are usually quite delicate, and they don’t respond well to touch input over gloves, either. There are many salient features incorporated within a conventional industrial touch screen monitor. Here are a few basic points that you should know:

They Are Designed to Withstand Tough Conditions

An average industrial touch screen monitor has a reinforced screen and a broader bezel. This way, the monitor doesn’t get damaged in case it is hit by a blunt instrument. Given the fact that there are so many instruments being used in different factories, using an industrial monitor is easier. The monitor lasts longer, and it doesn’t get damaged easily.

Glove Input

Many workers in factory conditions are required to wear gloves while performing their duties. If you try entering something while wearing gloves on a conventional touch screen, it just won’t register. However, most industrial monitors are designed to comprehend touch inputs over gloves. Whether you are wearing conventional gloves or larger, industrial hand gloves, you will be able to register commands without a problem.

More Expensive

Needless to say, because they are designed for a specific purpose, industrial monitors are much more expensive. They are usually ordered by companies that can afford to install powerful computers in order to speed up their output. It’s common knowledge that computers automate processes. Rather than input the same tasks at different points during the day, the computer does the work on its own. While it does cost a bit more in the beginning, installing a touch screen monitor with industrial machines is a great way to save money in the long run.

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