Stay Comfortable All Year With Air Conditioning And Heating in Winter Haven FL

by | Nov 23, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Heating and cooling any space can be a tough challenge and the methods used may depend on the space to be treated. The most common method for Air Conditioning And Heating in Winter Haven FL. is the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system. This multiple cabinet system works by using forced air to distribute the treated air in an air chamber. To ensure that the system doesn’t draw a lot of dust and debris into the mix, a filter should be installed at the fresh air inlet. The most important task that the appliance owner needs to be concerned with is routine maintenance.

When an expert in Air Conditioning And Heating in Winter Haven FL perform routine maintenance on an HVAC, they need to focus on several areas. One of these is the air exchanger where the evaporator coil can be found. This coil is installed so that all forced air is pushed through it. Because it is part of a dual purpose system, the coil can become plugged from year around usage. This forces the system to work harder in order to move enough air. A technician can help by removing the coil and cleaning it in an acid bath. This cleaning procedure shouldn’t need to be done more than once every five years unless there is a lot of dust or tiny debris in the building. In this case, a better filtration system may be necessary.

When an HVAC dies, it may be necessary for the technician to recalculate the size of the replacement. This is especially true for businesses that need finer control over their utility usage. To determine the exact size for cooling the given space, the contractor will need the precise square footage of the building, the maximum capacity of the treated area and the amount of traffic the building can expect. They may also need to know about additional heat sources such as kitchens or boiler systems. These parameters are important for determining how much heating or cooling equipment is required so the purchaser doesn’t buy more than they need. If the HVAC will be placed in a home that has issues with air ducts, there is an option known as “High-Velocity Air Ducts.” This is a small pipe, about two inches in diameter, that can run between wall studs or below rafters.

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