Marriages That Need a Divorce and Family Law Attorney Deland

by | Jun 6, 2013 | Lawyers

Unfortunately, there is a possibility that the marital union between a man and a woman will come to an end. Things happen; people change, grow a part, or they fall out of love with one another. Whatever the reason maybe when that point in a relationship has been reached it must be resolved either by counseling or by ending the martial union with divorce.

When there is no other option but to end the relation with a divorce, it can go several ways depending on the situation that caused the marriage to end, how long the marriage lasted, are there minor children involved and what assets have been accumulated.

If a couple has only been married a few months or a couple of years, the divorce can be easily by just simply signing on the dotted line, this eliminates the need for a divorce and family law attorney Deland and judges to get deeply involved in this process.

Then there are the couples that have many years together under their belts, they may have some minor children who are involved then that brings child support into the picture. They may have property that needs to be divided and if one of the spouses was a homemaker then the issue of spousal support comes into play. These types of divorces can end in one or two ways, either the couple agrees on everything, and this agreement is set forth by a judge, or they can battle it out in court and let the judge make the final decision.

When an agreement has not been reached each person will need to hire their own divorce and family law attorney Deland that handle all the issues that they have on the table. The couple will need to first have a consultation with the law firm, which most of them offer for free. They will let them know if they have an attorney with the necessary experience to handle the divorce, alimony, child custody and support issues they have. They will then decide whether they will take on the case, and an attorney will be assigned.

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