High school and college students are always looking for the career that will bring them the most satisfaction. In addition, they are searching for a job that will give them a lot of options and allow them to work in a myriad of different locations. For these reasons, thousands of men and women choose to make medicine their avocation, giving them a chance to work with directly with people who need their skills.
Although people still associate the field of medicine only with becoming a doctor or nurse, there are other rewarding positions that eagerly serve the community. The Physicians Assistant Program in Arkansas offers a full academic program that trains students to become the right-hand assistant of hard-working physicians.
By studying with the Physicians Assistant Program in Arkansas, graduates go on to work alongside physicians in hospitals, medical clinics, and privately owned doctor’s offices. They regularly treat everyone from pediatric patients to senior citizens.
The UAMS is short for the “University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Physician Assistant Program” which works in conjunction with the Blue and You Foundation of Arkansas. Their program offers a chance for students to reach their goals with full-time and part-time schedules. This makes it perfect for moms longing to return to the job market, as well as veterans looking to merge their military service into the civilian workforce. Browse here for more details.
For most students, their study schedule will be finished in 24 to 30 months. The first half of their schooling will be spent primarily in the classroom. Once students have completed their science, math, and medical courses, experience in the field will commence.
During the last twelve months, students are placed in an actual medical environment. Senior students are placed on a supervised rotation, giving them an idea of how every department in a hospital or medical center is run. This further assists students in finding the area of medicine where they feel they will fit best.
For more information on Physicians Assistant Program in Arkansas and to speak to a member of the admissions staff, contact them either via telephone or their website found online at Aboutarkansaspa.com.