If you think that you might need a Payday Advance in Reno, it is best to be prepared before you actually make your application. There are several different things that you can do to prepare yourself, and if you do these things you can get your loan very quickly in most cases. The first thing you need to do is determine exactly how much money you think you will need. Ideally, you should borrow only as much as you know you can definitely afford to pay back on your next payday. Overextending yourself financially will only put undue strain on you. Don’t forget to account for the fact that you will have to pay some interest, as well.
The Information That You Need
To get a Payday Advance in Reno, you need to get several pieces of paperwork in order. First, you will need a blank check from your checking account. Make sure the check contains both your bank’s routing number and the account number where you want your money deposited. Usually, the payday advance money will be placed directly into this account, and the loan will similarly be withdrawn when it is due.
You will also need to provide some type of proof of residency in most cases. This can be something like an electric bill or a water bill. Additionally, you need to show the payday loan providers either a valid drivers license or a current state ID card. In some cases, military ID may be accepted as well.
The Timeline For The Loan
Ideally, you should give the payday loan providers up to a full day to get the money to you. The sooner you are able to make your application, the better. In many cases you could get the money in your bank account as early as a few hours after your application is approved. Be sure that you know the timeline for repayment, as well. The loan is usually due between two and four weeks after you receive the money, however this does vary based on your pay periods, and on the way that the payday loan provider processes their loans.